Monday, March 17, 2014

Asher's S'more Cake

Another spur-of-the-moment recipe.

I hadn't really talked to Asher about a cake. Fortunately, after some searching on Pinterest (and explaining to him that I could only replicate cake and frosting flavors, not decorating), we settled on a S'mores cake.

But, I needed something fast, so I made the easiest and best Texas Sheet Cake in the world, putting only half the glaze on top of the cake.

Then, I crushed about 12 graham cracker squares and covered the cake with half a bag of mini-marshmallows. I put that under the broiler for about 4 minutes (3 would have been enough) and added another handful of marshmallows on the top and drizzled the remaining glaze.

I had quite a few kids waxed rhapsodic when talking about the cake at the party.

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